

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
Under “About” you’ll find some more information about me and what this site is about.
Under “Blog”, all my blog entries.
Under Hiking guide, my organized excursions.
Under Photographer, my portfolio
No fuss!

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Dreaming of a night at the Blakes

Dreaming of a night at the Blakes

Before the kids, I was always traveling at this time of the year. Of course this year there is also another reason why stay at home, but still, the urge is there… to change the air a little, treat yourself a nice hotel, get inspired….

One of my absolute favorite hotels is the Blakes in London. Where every room is unique and the restaurant excellent! Usually, when I go somewhere I take the opportunity to make an article about the things that I want to experience, combining work with leisure ;-) But even if I don’t I always spend a little extra to get spoiled… When at home I like the simple life, but traveling I’m more for luxury!
Here are some pictures from a story about the above nominated Blakes…

What do you think?? Time to plan a trip to London after all this?

A special treat in Amsterdam

A special treat in Amsterdam

A breakfast for fighters!

A breakfast for fighters!