

My name is Helga.
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No fuss!

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A whole country in quarantene

A whole country in quarantene

It`s a strange feeling to live in a country that the rest of the World sees as infected by the plague... 

In the beginning, I said ”take it cool, it’s just a flu, how bad can it be? Then I started to worry about our transfer for the summer season in Sweden, thinking we maybe we would have to take the car instead of airplanes... now they’re closing down also that possibility and I’m thinking that even if Italy manage to strangle this flu before our departure, surely it will explode in other countries in Europe, even in Sweden.... maybe it will not be a problem leaving Italy but maybe we will not want to enter Sweden??

No really. I try to do the best of these days together with my family, not thinking too much of a future that’s impossible to prophesying.  And at the same time, I’m preparing for the summer season as usual with staff for the restaurant, expeditions of Sardinian delicacies, ordering beautiful things for the shop and preparing our two Sardinian homes for summer guests. That is when I manage with two wildlings running around my legs! I’m taking one day at the time, knowing it’s impossible to know what the situation will be one month from here. One week before departure we’ll see if we’ll be able to use our plane tickets or go by car, or if we’re stranded here...

It’s really a particular time. Here in the village, no one is sick yet, but people are afraid. The shops are closed (except supermarkets, that only let a few people in at a time). The streets are empty. People avoid you if you meet someone…

So what are WE doing?

Trying to keep Ileana and Ilaria from demolishing the house! 

The first days at home were actually kind of disastrous!, 😅🙈 We’re so used to have them home all day only during the weekends and then we’ve always been away on different trips or events. Keeping them home playing while trying to do “your stuff” made them in a terrible mood and they became impossible to handle...

So I started to study a little... and decided that I had to accept that I won’t be able to everything that I’ve planned for this month. Reading different articles on the internet I learned that the best way to have small kids at home is to divide the day as a school, in blocks, and always try to keep the time table and the routines, that way they never (or less often) get tired or find the time to start to fight and defy. And I must say, it works! I also incorporate them into the daily household chores. They’re great “dusters”!! I‘m seriously thinking of buying one of those mini-kits for mopping and sweeping as well...

I’ve also found some sites for funny home crafts for small children, I’ll divide some from “pysselmorgon” on Instagram, that has given me loads of inspiration!

lenia and Ilaria are obsessed with the alphabet right now, so this one is a hit! The also love play dough and Lego, bet I’ve never combined the two before!

I love this colourful idea, for days when you can cope with some mess! And what about this simple combination with cars and pegs!!

Venice -the city of stillness

Venice -the city of stillness

Carnival time!

Carnival time!