

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
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No fuss!

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Two is definitely better!

Two is definitely better!

When I got to know I expected twins I was shocked! For some reason I thought it would take us some time to get pregnant, instead, it happened instantly and with two!!

When the first shock had calmed I was really happy. It couldn't be in a better way. I would never like to have a single child and this way we saved a couple of years, which suited us well since we're not the youngest parents! Unfortunately, the surroundings made me have a kind of nervous pregnancy... The doctors and people around me always told me how risky a twin pregnancy is, that surely they would be born prematurely, that I had to rest A LOT because of the risks and because after the birth it would be so HARD and tiring...

But in the end the pregnancy went all well, although I had pain in the pelvic and difficulties to walk from week 20 and in the last weeks I suffered from itching because my liver started to work poorly. In week 37 the doctors decided it was time for Ilenia and Ilaria to see the world because of my liver values, but I actually think they would have rested the whole time if someone would have asked them! ;-) I worked half time with the family business till the end, did the inscription at the hospital Friday, celebrated my fathers 70'th birthday the evening and a wedding reception on Saturday, Sunday we enjoyed the last day of "freedom" and early Monday morning we took a walk down to the maternity hospital!

Since no 1 was fixed with the but first they made me do cesarian and at 9 o'clock I hold a perfect baby in my arms and shortly after yet another, just as perfect as her sister. I couldn't believe it. At that moment I realized that I had expected them to be deformed in some way, or ill, with all these preoccupations during the pregnancy! Instead, they were all perfect and ready for the world!

Now two years after I'm of the opinion that every child should be born as a twin. When I see my girls together it seems soo natural and I just can't imagine how it would be for a child to be alone for the first years of its life? To sleep alone, to play and discover the world with only adults around... And it hasn't been very hard as a mother to cope with two. In the end, I don't think it's much different from having one. The diaper account is bigger thou! In some senses I guess it's also easier with twins than with single babies, for example, we almost never have to co-sleep with them and they are super easy to put to bed since they always have the company of the sister. They also play and laugh together leaving you to do household stuff in peace (not always!) Maybe now after two when they want to decide everything on their own and are more jealous of each other it's a little bit harder(sometimes it's really crazy here around the dinner table!), but at the same time it seems to me that they grow faster together, teaching each other new stuff and trigging each other to develop.

So let it be more twins in the world!

The yearly olive harvest

The yearly olive harvest

