

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
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No fuss!

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The terrible 2x2!

The terrible 2x2!

People have always asked me from the start if it isn't hard to have twins?! And I always responded, Nooo, I don't think it's much different from having one single child? As long as you synchronize them. Actually we were thinking of trying to make a sibling for when they turned two!

Fortunately, I studied some on the internet before and decided to wait. Mostly because of the high "risk" of having twins again after a twin birth. Four children in two years even for me sounded a bit exaggerated!!

Now Ilena and Ilaria are 2,5, and they have entered the age of "the terrible two" with the whole spectra! Suddenly the two angels, who have always been super easy to put to bed, started to climb out of the cots hiding under our bed and doing all sorts of tricks during the night. Everything to not go to sleep. Including waking your sister if she happened to fell asleep of exhaustion.
Solution; One big double mattress directly on the floor with me in the middle until they fall asleep...

Then they have become sooo envious of one another!! They always HAVE to have exactly the thing/clothes/shoes/seat etc as the sister, and if not, the whole world falls apart!! If one is sitting on my lap, also the other has to sit on my lap. But they do not want to sit together with the sister, for goodness sake!! And then you have the dressing... First of all, they never want the cloths you have chosen for them... and then they want to dress themselves, after they have run around naked like crazy for a while... And god help you if you try to help them even if they actually do not manage to do everything on their own yet!
Do I have to say there's a lot of crying in the morning? And in the evening. And always. But there's also a lot of laughs! And stories. And playing. And love! It's amazing to see how much they develop. Every day. And they are really two extraordinary and beautiful personalities. Although now and then terrible.

We'll survive! But I can't help thinking if we had decided for a sibling already. How on earth would we have survived?? There's just no space for anyone else in this storm right now!

Carnival time!

Carnival time!

The lack of time

The lack of time