

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
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Fonni - Autunno in Barbaggia

Fonni - Autunno in Barbaggia

Yesterday we continued to enjoy "autumn in Barbaggia" with open courtyard festivals.

This time in Fonni, the highest situated village in Sardinia, 1000 meters over the sea. Here they actually have two skiing facilities!! We expected real cold weather and dress up the girls as Eskimos!! But in the end, it was a lovely sunny day, and we even felt a bit warm in our heavy coats.

Fonni is a picturesque small town with lots of slopes and a stunning panorama over the Gennargentu mountains. We found it a little bit too crowed to enjoy the feast with small children but had a nice day out and managed to buy some local bread, cheese, and prosciutto. We decided to return in January to let the kids play in the snow for the first time!

As usual, there were a lot of people dressed in traditional costumes and I just had to take some photos…

The Anima Mundi festival

The Anima Mundi festival

A Sunday trip to Santa Cristina

A Sunday trip to Santa Cristina